The most up-to-date information about the upcoming shows can be found on our Facebook page.
What is Channel Island World Wrestling?
Channel Islands World Wrestling or CIWW is a professional wrestling promotion providing family entertainment to the Channel Islands. Professional Wrestling is a form of athletic entertainment that often gets overlooked in the mainstream – we intend to right that wrong!
Are shows suitable for younger fans?
We make every effort to produce events acceptable for the whole family and would appreciate that our older fans make an effort to keep their support clean.
How long are events?
Live events last about an hour and a half and feature an intermission that lasts about 20 minutes.
Is there a chance to meet and greet the wrestlers
You betcha! Our wrestlers will be available for photos and autographs during the 20 mins intermission and also post-event, wowzers!
Can I use my camera at the event?
Still photography is always welcome and even encouraged, but we are afraid that videography is prohibited, sorry rules are rules. If you do take photographs please share them with us on social media!
Can I try out for CIWW?
Damn skippy you can, we have regular training sessions, to get involved please send an email to CULT@CIWWRESTLING.COM for moreinformation.
(you must be 16 or over)